Twitter profile examples

Sketch Hunt inspires 3 other sibling sites

Affinity Hunt, Principle Hunt and Prototyper Hunt

After the spike in interest for Sketch Hunt, I decided to continue the experimenting. I’ve launched three additional sibling sites. Each one offers niche content for designers and developers:

These sites let me share information about new products that I’m personally interested in. They also also served the purpose of being a side-project and exercise in branding. I built off the simple search icon illustration used in the Sketch Hunt identity to create a suite of logos that all share the same flat style and fun personality.

In addition to the websites themselves, I created a related profile for each site on Twitter. Each profile automatically tweets out any site updates. The profiles have also gotten some organic interest and followers. Using Twitter has also provided me the opportunity to engage with the creative community, while sharing and learning about these new design tools.

My goal is to keep these sites up and running for as long as they seem relevant.